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Free Music

We're pleased to offer the following pieces at no charge in a downloadable PDF format.

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Please note that some pieces include a "Terms of Use" agreement.

Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine – Hymn for congregational singing. The hymn text was written by Adoniram Judson, who in 1812 became (with his wife, Ann) the first American Protestant foreign missionary, serving in Burma (now known as Myanmar). The hymn deals with the subject of baptism, and it's interesting that Mr. Judson labored as a missionary for six years before baptizing his first convert!

God Moves in a Mysterious Way  Hymn for congregational singing. A new musical setting of a familiar text.

Holy, Holy, Holy (Narration and Organ Underscore) – This is an add-on, designed to precede my arrangement for orchestra published by Genevox. The organ plays softly while a quartet of readers (or a single narrator) recites passages from Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4. This makes for a very effective setup to the performance of the piece in a concert or worship setting.

I Am Not Ashamed – A powerful setting using the words of Romans 1:16 and Acts 1:8, for SATB with piano. Suitable for older youth choir or adult choir.

The Fruit of the Spirit Song  A fun little chorus that makes it easy to memorize the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22,23.

This is the Day – A dramatic and celebrative piece for SATB choir with keyboard. Written originally for the dedication of a new church building in the Atlanta area. An optional orchestration is available for $50.00.

Piano Technic
Exercises especially for beginning and intermediate level pianists.

Five-Finger Patterns — Single page with five-finger patterns and triads in all 12 major keys.


5-Note Tunes — Songs which can be played easily using the numbers of the scale tones.

Major and Minor Triads – Every piano student should master these triads in all 12 keys, and in all inversions.

More Triad Exercises – Triads based on each tone of the major scale, in all inversions.

I-V-I Cadences in Three Positions – In all 12 major keys (in Circle of Fifths order), these are required for late Elementary level Guild students.

"Two" Chord Exercises  Very useful patterns based on major and minor "two" chords.

Broken Chord and Arpeggio Exercises  For intermediate or advanced students, this is a great short exercise regimen which I still use personally in my own practicing.

Entire contents copyright 2001-2025 David S. Winkler. All rights reserved. Send comments about this site to the webmaster.

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