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Music for Orchestra

Majestic Fanfare (IM)
Incidental Music

Majestic Fanfare. A short (90-second) piece for orchestra, written as an overture to a dramatic musical Easter production, though it could be used for any occasion.

Majestic Fanfare -
00:00 / 00:00

Music for Biblical Drama series from PSALM 150 Publications. Music originally written as background music for the San Antonio Christmas Pageant. Parts are included for full orchestra, though most of the pieces don't involve everyone playing at once. There are various types of underscores, fanfares, Hebrew-style music, etc.

NOTE: I also have more of this type of thing in unpublished form – let me know if you need something in particular.

Set I – #SA5501 

Set II – #SA5502 

Set III – #SA5503 

Set IV – #SA5504 

All four sets – #SA5505 

To order this selection, please visit and
type the catalog number into the Search function.

Overture for a Biblical Drama (PSALM 150 #SA5521). An original composition designed to set the mood for a dramatic/musical production based on Old and/or New Testament scenes. Begins with a stirring fanfare, followed by a short melodic section in A minor, and ending with a return of the fanfare theme.

To order this selection, please visit and
type the catalog number into the Search function.

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