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Orchestrated Hymns and Choruses

To view and print a PDF list of
more hymns and choruses orchestrated by David Winkler,
click here.

Abbot's Leigh (H&C)
Brass Quintets - Hymns for Cong. Singing

ABBOT'S LEIGH Hymn tune which may be used with several different texts.  Orchestrated for congregational singing, one verse only, key of C.

Abbot's Leigh
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Brass Quintets - Hymns for Congregational Singing


Arranged to accompany congregational singing, for brass quintet with piano/rhythm section and optional percussion.  Written in a style which expands upon the basic harmony while keeping a traditional feel.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

(key of B-flat)

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
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A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Cover Art (Final).jpg

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

(key of D-flat, modulating to D)

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
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Come, Thou Fount of Every - Cover Art (Final) (1).jpg

In Christ Alone

(key of D, modulating to E-flat)

In Christ Alone
00:00 / 03:10
In Christ Alone - Brass Quintet - Cover Art FINAL.jpg

It Is Well with My Soul

(key of C, modulating to D-flat)

It Is Well With My Soul
00:00 / 03:33
It Is Well with My Soul - Cover Art (Final).jpg

O God, Our Help In Ages Past

(key of B-flat)

Optional parts for choir included.

O God, Our Help In Ages Past
00:00 / 02:20

VIEW sample of full score

BUY a digital copy (PDF) of the arrangement  $30.00

O God, Our Help In Ages Past - Cover Art.jpg

Revive Us Again

(key of E-flat, modulating to E and F)


Optional parts for choir included.

Revive Us Again
00:00 / 02:42

VIEW sample of full score

BUY a digital copy (PDF) of the arrangement  $30.00

Revive Us Again - Cover Art.jpg
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Hymns for Cong. Sing.)
Come, Thou Fount (Hymns for Cong. Singing)
In Christ Alone (Hymns for Cong. Singing)
It Is Well With My Soul (Hymns for Cong. Singing)
O God, Our Help In Ages Past (Hymns for Cong. Singing)
Revive Us Again (Hymns for Cong. Singing)

The Baptist Hymnal (2008 version). Three arrangements, all of which include a special last stanza harmonization:

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Brethren, We Have Met to Worship

Crown Him with Many Crowns

To order the above as digital downloads, please go to, type the title in the Search box, and choose the "Lifeway Traditional Hymn" version.

God Bless America (H&C)

God Bless Americaa simple, straightforward arrangement of the chorus of this great American song.  The arrangement may be performed by instruments alone, or by instruments accompanying a choir and/or congregation or group singing. A corresponding arrangement for a cappella choir and another version for SATB chorus and keyboard is also available.

Key of Eb HYFRYDOL Key of Eb

HYFRYDOL (Key of E-flat)Hymn tune which may be used with several different texts. Orchestrated for congregational singing, one verse only. Corresponds to the harmonization from the 1990 Presbyterian hymnal. Also available in the key of F.

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Key of F HYFRYDOL Key of F

HYFRYDOL (Key of F)Hymn tune which may be used with several different texts.  Orchestrated for congregational singing, one verse only.  Corresponds to the harmonization from the 1990 Presbyterian hymnal.  Also available in the key of E-flat.

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Pseudomodulations (OH&C)

Pseudomodulations, Vol. 1 & 2 –– Each volume contains keyboard interludes for 26 hymns, for use with congregational singing. The effect is similar to a modulation, but doesn't depart from the original key! Each keyboard book sells for $25.00, which includes permission to make up to 5 copies for use within your own church.

Orchestrations are available individually or as a set: $15.00 per individual title or $250 for each volume. (Please note that only the "pseudo" is orchestrated — for the hymn, use your orchestrated hymnal arrangement.)

If you're interested in obtaining the
orchestrations, please
 e-mail us.

More Pseudomodulations
I've written a few more "pseudos" since the publication
of Vol. 1 & 2. These include:

Pseudomodulation for "Glorious Is Thy Name" (hymn by B.B. McKinney).  Note: the orchestration includes the keyboard/ rhythm part.

Pseudomodulation for "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" (Hymn tune: AZMON). Comes in two versions: key of F and key of A-flat. Each fully-orchestrated arrangement sells for $20.00. For the Keyboard/Rhythm version only (both keys included), it's $5.00.

Glorious Is Thy Name (H&C - Pseudo)
O For a Thousand Tongues (H&C)

Hymn accompaniments from PSALM 150 Publications (older arrangements in manuscript form):

Amazing Grace (#SA9501) — Four verses: F, F, G, and A-flat.

Give Me Oil in My Lamp (#SA9703).

In the Name of Jesus (We Have the Victory) (#SA9707) — One verse only, key of F.

Rejoice Evermore (#SA9708) — One verse only, key of F.

​​​This is the Day (#SA9706) — One verse only, key of F.

To order any of the above, please visit and
type the catalog number into the Search function.

Colossians 3:16 Project

Hymns for Choir-led Congregational Worship

arranged by Michael W. Burt and David Winkler
orchestrated by David Winkler and Steve Dunn

Colossians 3:16 Project

Enrich your traditional or blended worship service with these arrangements of eight standard hymns, now available after being out of print for many years.  These could be performed with vocals and piano only, or with the optional orchestrations.  Prices and ordering information below.

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

All Hail the Power -
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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace -
00:00 / 00:00

He Is Lord

He Is Lord -
00:00 / 00:00

Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy -
00:00 / 00:00

I Am Thine, O Lord

I Am Thine, O Lord -
00:00 / 00:00

Nothing But the Blood

Nothing But the Blood -
00:00 / 00:00

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty -
00:00 / 00:00

To God Be the Glory

To God Be the Glory -
00:00 / 00:00

BUY the choir and orchestra arrangements for all eight songs  $299.00


This includes permission to make up to 50 copies of the choral part (if you need extra copies, please order the choral 10-packs, below).  Note that, since this music was taken from an older, out-of-print product, the copywork for the orchestra parts isn't quite up to the standards of what we normally sell.

BUY the choral part 10-pack for all eight songs  $39.95

***  Please pay for as many as you plan to reproduce. ***

To purchase individual arrangements of any of the Colossians 3:16 arrangements, or if you have any questions, please contact us.


Prices for the individual songs:

Choir and orchestra arrangement, $50.00.  Includes permission to make up to 50 copies of the choral part.

Choral part 10-pack, $10.00.  Includes permission to make 10 copies.

Split-track mp3, $1.99

All Hail the Power (Colossians 3:16 Project)
Amazing Grace (Colossians 3:16 Project)
He Is Lord (Colossians 3:16 Project)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Colossians 3:16 Project)
I Am Thine, O Lord (Colossians 3:16 Project)
Nothing But the Blood (Colossians 3:16 Project)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Col. 3:16 Proj.)
To God Be the Glory (Colossians 3:16 Project)

Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me arranged for choir, worship team, and/or congregation, with optional orchestration. Very similar to the popular CityAlight version.  Please see listing under "Choral Music."

To view and print a PDF list of
more hymns and choruses orchestrated by David Winkler,
click here.

Entire contents copyright 2001-2025 David S. Winkler. All rights reserved. Send comments about this site to the webmaster.

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