What's New?
Music published within the last two years or so.
All Good Gifts — beautiful song from the musical "Godspell," arranged
for piano solo.
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name — for piano solo.
Almost A Cappella Worship Moments — a mini-collection of six short arrangements of some older "praise and worship" songs, arranged for SATB a cappella (with optional piano accompaniment).
Battle Hymn of the Republic — arranged for clarinet ensemble, with optional percussion.
Brass and Bells Series — Easter titles arranged for brass ensemble and handbell choir.
Celtic Hymns — adapted from Craig Duncan’s recordings, for woodwind/string ensemble with guitar and piano. Fun to play and enjoyable for audiences of all ages!
Deep in the Heart of Texas — for brass ensemble.
Deep in the Heart of Texas — for clarinet ensemble.
Deep in the Heart of Texas — for vocals, with optional instrumental accompaniment.
Deep River — warm and sensitive setting of a well-known African-American spiritual, for intermediate level piano.
For Unto Us A Child Is Born — a reimagined version of the famous chorus from Handel's "Messiah," set in a flowing, melodic style for intermediate level piano solo.
God Bless America — a simple, straightforward arrangement of the chorus of this great American song. The arrangement may be performed by instruments alone, or by instruments accompanying a choir and/or congregation or group singing.
He Lifted Me — for brass ensemble.
If My People Will Pray — powerful song by Jimmy Owens, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, scored for trumpet solo with orchestra.
In Remembrance — for solo instrument with piano or handbell choir accompaniment.
Instrumental Caroling Series — two volumes of easy arrangements of traditional carols, scored for flexible instrumentation, and useful for a variety of occasions during the Christmas season.
Modern Worship Orchestra Series — new arrangements for orchestra.
O God, Our Help In Ages Past — brass quintet with congregational singing and optional choir.
O Holy Night — arranged for flute, clarinet, and trumpet soloists, with strings and piano, plus optional harp and percussion.
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded — for brass ensemble.
Patriotic Brass Series — American patriotic songs, arranged for brass ensemble.
Revive Us Again — brass quintet with congregational singing and optional choir.
Speak, O Lord — song by Getty & Townend, arranged for piano solo.
Tennessee Waltz — classic country song, arranged for intermediate level piano.
Texas, Our Texas — for brass ensemble.
Texas, Our Texas — for clarinet ensemble.
The Seven Days of Christmas — a fun, abbreviated version of "The 12 Days of Christmas," scored for flexible instrumentation.
Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly — for Vocal Solo, Trio, and/or S.A.B. Chorus, with optional parts for strings. As recorded by Aaron Tippin.
When Jesus Wept — haunting melody by William Billings, scored for two flutes, piano, and strings.
Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me — from the recording by CityAlight, arranged for choir, worship team and/or congregation, with optional orchestration.
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